Running to Duathlon

Author -  Ramyesh Senniappan

I wanted to begin by saying that the year 2023 is all about novelty, as it is my 50th year of life. Instead of regretting what I hadn’t done in the past, I wanted to see what I could do now and in future...

Triathlon is one such multi-sport event that interested me, but I lacked swimming skills. During my debut marathon Arizona RnR on Jan 15 2023, I got introduced to my pacer Carlos Mendez, he is a skilled athlete and shares the podium in many Triathlon events. He introduced me to Duathlon, which is a form of Triathlon where there is no swimming. So essentially it is run - ride - run race. I was skeptical and scared, but Carlos encouraged me that if I can run a marathon, then a Duathlon should be possible.

Cycling was a kind of secondary endurance activity for me. I used to go for rides infrequently if I needed a change. I remember participating in TourdeCure Phoenix in 2017 for 25 miles dash, which is my only race event. I was keen on mountain/trail biking due to the adrenaline rush it brings and equally scared of the strength requirements and its injury proneness. Runners consider cycling to be only a cross-training activity and so did I, but I learned that I was wrong.

Cycling is less impactful compared to running, but it is a completely different skill set that needs to be honed by practice. Especially Performance Road cycling is complex, with equipment and gear involved in its training and racing. I only had an old mountain bike, but I still wanted to try out the Duathlon Sprint event with what I had.

With that said, my goal wasn’t merely to participate but to perform above 2/3rd percentile of my age group, I didn’t want to be in the last few With a little bit of research, considering my current endurance in run

training, I arrived at a time goal of 2 hours to complete the race end to end, which was aggressive for a first- timer in my age group. I had signed up for the Duathlon Sprint race and had 8 full weeks for training.

Training for a duathlon requires a combination of endurance, strength, stability, and speed training. The aim is to include a mix of running and cycling workouts, as well as strength and flexibility training.

• Focusing on endurance, begin with a base of 3-4 hours of cardio exercise per week, gradually increasing to 6-8 hours per week as you get closer to the race.

• Incorporate one speed training both on the running and cycling side.

• Include strength training to improve overall fitness and prevent injury.

• Practice transitions between the running and cycling portions of the race.

• Taper for last week reducing the training volume by about 20-30%

After analyzing multiple plans, I drew a plan that fits my availability. I followed the plan for 8 weeks diligently and was close to 90% in its adherence. The key is to listen to your body and adapt/adjust as needed.


  • Ab and Core workout. Steady progress in intensity and duration from 10 to 30 mins per session

• Brick workout. Steady progress in distance covered at the best effort basis starting from 30% to 90%(peak) of race distance

  Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

• Upper body strength progressing from 20 to 40 mins per session.

• Endurance or cycling workout progressing from 30 to 60 mins per session • Lower body strength progressing from 20 to 40 mins per session

• Endurance or workout running progressing from 30 to 45 mins per session • Rest Day. Recovery walk and /or stretch sessions

• Mobility and Stability focus. 20-40 min sessions(s) as time permits

• Cross training. Walking, Hiking

• Reserve or Rest Day. It is for skipped or missed activity in that week.

Depends on mood and chores

            I attempted a rehearsal duathlon, 2 weeks prior to race week. I started late in the day deliberately to expose myself to worst weather conditions, it was hard, sloppy, side stiches, pain in heels etc., but gave a learning to hydrate well on previous day instead of race day.

On the race day, I was the odd one out racing on a mountain bike, but I wanted to try with what I have got. My fellow participants whom I overtook in running got me during the cycling spell using their performance bikes. Nevertheless, I was happy that the event completed successfully without any injury, pretty close to target and was able to have a great experience participating in a multi-sport event with 840 other athletes. I learned a few lessons while training and during the race, will need to find a way to incorporate them.

Terminology & Definitions:

Duathlon : I participated in Duathlon Sprint which was 5K run – 20K

Cycle – 5K run

Brick workout : Check here for definition and some guidance.

The workout listed below are for home gym. It is efficient & time saving for me to work out from home. However, if you wish to train at gym, you have plethora of options and guidance from coaches as needed.

Ab & Core Workout: Planks(s), side planks, mountain climbers, Bird dog, scissor kicks, toe touching, reverse crunches, windshield wipers, russian twists, toe reaches, v-sits, bicycle crunches, leg lifts, standing crunches with twist, plank elbow to knee touches, side plank dips, superman planks, elevated knee tucks, T-rotations, around the world... etc. etc.

Upper Body Strength : Mostly with dumbbell with appropriate reps and weight

Back: Pronate pullback with band, self supported single arm DB row, Duffin row, static hangs from bar, DB bent over rows, Dumbbell reverse fly, T’s , I’s, Y’s etc.

Arms: Hammer curl, Reverse curl, zottman curl, one arm preacher, one arm triceps extensions, chair dips, drag curl, one arm tricep extension, reverse triceps kickbacks, etc...

Shoulders: Arnold press, ISO 90 shoulder hold, side raise pulse, kneeling reverse shoulder extension, straight arm reverse delt fly, upright external rotation... etc.

Chest: Chest press, Dumbbell fly, underhand chest press, pushups, pushups hover...etc.

Lower Body Strength : Mostly with dumbbell with appropriate reps and weight

Gluteus: Pause Sumo deadlift, stiff leg DL, Bulgarian split squats, Hip ups, Frog pumps, side planks leg raise & pulses, hip thrusters, side plank clam shell, glute bridge(s), fire hydrants with banks etc.

Calves: DB Calf Raiser, Toe walkers

Legs : RDL, ISO squats, Reverse lunges, Kettlebell swings, goblet drop squat, Bulgarian split squats, Sumo DL, Hip hinge abduction with pause, jump squat, ISO wall sits, 1 and quarter dumbbell front squat, Hack squats, DB step ups, DB side lunges, etc.

Mobility: Main focus is to improve the full body range of motion, when possible, perform unilateral to find out the weakest side and emphasis more on it. Progressive stretching routines would help. Various forms of Yoga, Yoga Namaskar, Surya Namaskar and some Pilates, would also help

Stability : Main focus here is balance & strength delivery, mostly performed unilateral where appropriate. Single-Leg DL, speed skaters, SL squats, lunge and twist, SL jump squats, lunge to front kick, side plank oblique crunch, low plank crunches, SL burpee, SL regular and crab bridges, squat knee to elbow twist, SL leg raises, SL toe raises, etc...

Run workout : Could be speed interval work, fartlek, threshold or tempo run usually in HR Zone 2 & 3 Cycling workout : Usually in Zone 2& 3. Sample workout could be

  5mins easy WU, 10 min active 70% FTP, 2x

 20 mins 75-90% FTP with 3 mins in between 8 mins easy CD. FTP is Functional Threshold Power a measure

 of effort similar to Threshold/Tempo run


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