Overcoming PCOS: My Journey to Better Health

 Author - Arfya Ahmed

I want to share my journey as a PCOS patient. I hope this will be helpful for lot of women like me.

Just after my wedding, I noticed several changes in my body such as digestive issues, an irregular menstrual cycle, and especially, my face was full of acne. Fortunately, I had some gynecologists in my close relations who suggested I take contraceptive pills to regulate my cycle, and I also sought help from a dermatologist for my acne and a gastroenterologist for hyperacidity. All treatments were going on simultaneously, but I was very disappointed with the results.

18 months had passed, but there was no improvement. We moved to the US with the hope of getting better treatment here, but things got worse. Every medicine had side-effects, and in two months I gained an additional 5 kg. My digestion became even worse, and my doctor recommended that I be admitted.

By that time, I had read a lot about PCOS. I joined az fitness group and started walking, stopped taking medicine, limited my food intake, and started doing intermittent fasting. I noticed some improvement in my digestion and regained a little confidence. I started taking morning walks with 3,000 steps and increased 500 steps every week.

One thing was clear in my mind; there is no cure for PCOS, but the symptoms can only be controlled if I stick to a healthy lifestyle. Now I don't have any symptoms. My cycle is regular, my face is clear, and I have lost a good amount of weight. Many good things have happened, and it has reversed now.

The following things have helped me a lot:

1. I did a lot of elliptical exercises.

2. I walk whenever I get the chance.

3. I limit my sugar intake.

4. I monitor my 8 hours of sleep.

5. I switched from Netflix to reading books before bedtime.

6. Intermittent fasting.

7. PCOS-friendly fruits.

8. A healthy breakfast.

9. Stopped dairy products.

10. Hope.


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