Train your body and mind with Running!!

Author - Ramyesh S 

Hello AZ Fitness community!   

You are aware the run season has commenced, and a few races have been completed as well.  We still have more than 5 months (AZ local) to go, I am aware many have signed up for several races and some may be planning for new races too within and outside of AZ.  I am also training for a couple of races in the next few months.  Unlike the previous year, I have been researching and training more diligently.  I guess I am applying the lesson learned from yesteryear, hope it helps to get some level of maturity.  As you know, there are abundant resources for running on the internet, I thought of sharing a few concise topics about running that I learned and might help if you aren’t aware of them.

We all know the benefits of running, for recreational runners like us, running could very simple… just one foot in front of the other or could be complex with several cues, training types, economy, etc. Humans are designed to RUN, having said running is very subjective with several physical and mental factors influencing it. In the running community, there are different terms used to describe various running patterns to generalize I would like to start by describing the types of runs and what makes a training plan.

Easy Effort (EE) Run:

Also known as Jogging, Aerobic Run, Base run,  Conversation pace (CP), Recovery run, Slow running,  etc. as the name suggests it would be an easy effort run where you are able to maintain a conversation with a fellow runner without gasping.  Should be able to maintain this steady pace thru out.  They are aerobic and benefits accumulate over time, improving endurance, stamina, fat burning, and release of endorphins.  RPE: 3-4

Workout Run:

It is a speed run also known as an Interval run, Tempo run, Threshold run, Fartlek, Hill training, Progressive, Strides usually run at a high pace for a short time.  They are demanding and great for building cardiovascular health and building muscle.  RPE – 6-9

Long Run:

Usually, run with Easy effort, but aiming to complete the target race distance over period of training (Ex: 10K, HM etc).  The purpose of a long run is to increase the endurance of the runner with that increase in aerobic fitness level as well.  RPE: 5

Race Run:

As the name suggests, these are Races we sign up to run for.  However, Race pace run is also run for a segment during training to get a feel for it with the target pace for the race.

Training Plan

Whether we are training for 5K, 10K, Half-marathon, Marathon, or Ultra, the typical weekly training plan includes at least one EE run, workout run, and a Long run.  80% of the effort spent would be in EE type run.  Every run would be accompanied by a warm-up(WU)  and cool-down (CD) drill for effectiveness.  It also includes strength training and mobility drills to improve overall strength and efficiency.  Depending on the goal, there are also weekly volume recommendations on how much to train, recommendations for recovery, sleep etc. I can continue to share similar learnings in the coming weeks if this is interesting and there is value perceived.  Let me know your feedback, shoot if there are any questions there are many runners in the group who can pitch in and share/contribute overall.


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