The Hidden Costs of Processed Foods: Understanding Nutrient Density

The problem with processed foods is that they lack important nutrients that our body needs. Processing removes important nutrients like fiber, iron, and B vitamins, leaving us with food that has little to no nutritional value. This is because processing is done to increase the shelf life of food items, making them more stable and profitable for companies.

However, there is a solution to this problem. Choosing nutrient-dense foods like fresh spinach, broccoli, fruits, and green leafy vegetables can provide our bodies with the nutrients they need. These foods are often unprocessed and don't come in packages, making them a healthier choice. Additionally, considering the cost of food per unit of nutrient density can help us make better use of our food budget.

It's important to remember that we have the power to decide what kind of fuel we put in our body. By giving it conscious thought, we can make healthier choices that will benefit our overall well-being.


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