Want vs Need: Reevaluating Health Priorities

Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Do you want to lower your bad cholesterol? Do you want to maintain a consistent workout routine? Do you want to enjoy better sleep and wake up feeling refreshed? Do you want to adopt healthier eating habits? At first glance, these may seem like personal desires, but what if they're actually fundamental needs for our health? Lets consider few simple scenarios to clear this a little bit. Often, we sacrifice sleep and stress over work to ensure our loved ones' happiness. We grew up believing the idea that Food, Clothes and Roof over our heads are the basic needs. What if there was more? Think about this: If you had a pounding headache, could you give your kids quality time? If you had a stomach ache, could you be affectionate with your spouse? If you have a bad back ache, what quality of work can you produce? Now let's pause for a moment and think deeply about another scenario: You're battling a terminal illness. Woul...