The dose makes the poison!!

Author - Ravi Kulkarni This principle is the cornerstone of modern toxicology practice. The idea is that even harmful substances, such as poisons, are safe to consume in very small doses. For example, many heavy metal poisons such as Arsenic or Lead are ever present in our environment. Therefore, they are also present in many foods we consume in minute quantities. Toxicology experts have studied their effects on the body and that knowledge has been incorporated into the regulatory guidelines such as those provided by the FDA for foods that are marketed in interstate commerce. But this principle is not only about poisons. Even harmless substances such as water can become poisonous if consumed in large quantities. Our diets have gone so far out of whack with our nature that most people end up suffering the consequences of overdosing on foods that become poisons. Since I have been wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for a while, I have noticed how th...